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WARNING: The cost of living is soaring - will your retirement savings last as long as you want or need?

You have a lifetime of experience and now you have the time to make a difference

Profit in Retirement will give you the skills to ...

  • Create and launch an online course based on your expertise and passion

  •  Boost your retirement income

  •  Secure your financial future

  •  Make a lasting impact in the lives of others

    30-day FREE TRIAL

    Profit in Retirement is launching in January 2024

    During the prelaunch you have the opportunity to sign up to try it for free
    and lock in great foundation member benefits (limited to the first 20 members only)

    Here’s Everything You Get

    When You Sign Up For 'Profit in Retirement'

  • 5 core training modules to provide you with the skills and knowledge to succeed in developing, launching and marketing your own profitable online course 

  • New training module each month where members get the opportunity to suggest relevant topics e course 

  • Mission-focussed module worksheets to ensure that you make progress towards your goals 

  • Weekly 60 minute group coaching sessions including the latest trends and celebrating the wins of member. Each week, at least one participant will be able to take the spotlight in the 'hot-seat' to receive a thorough review of their course material 

  • FREE community forum  providing support and encouragement from others on the same journey

  • Earn while you learn 30% affiliate commission for each referral 

  • FREE! Content Creation System full access to all the easy-to-use tools needed to develop your course - you only have to pay when it is built and you are ready to publish and profit

  • Additional Foundation Member Benefits

    (limited to first 20 members only)

  • FREE 30 minute personal coaching session to get you off to a great start achieving your goals

  • Personal review of your course material - once every 3 months for the first 12 months -  tailored feedback that elevates the quality and effectiveness of your content, ensuring your course stands out and resonates with your audience

  • Discounted monthly membership - pay just $37 per month (normally $47) after the free trial - locked in for as long as you remain a member

  • Increased affiliate commissions - earn 40% recurring for each referral - locked in for as long as you remain a member

  • Normally: $47 Value

    Today: FREE 30-day trial

    PLUS Foundation Member Benefits

    Core Modules

    Module 1

    Explore and Discover

    Explore your passions and expertise and conduct market research to identify one profitable niche within your expertise area

    Here's what you'll learn and put into practice ...

  • Explore Your Expertise: Uncovering Your Course Potential

  • Discover the Riches: Unearthing Profitable Niches

  • Module 2

    Innovate and Captivate

    Learn how to craft an ‘experience’ product to automatically make your course stand out in a crowded market

    Here's what you'll learn ...

  • Innovate to Differentiate: Standing Out in Your Niche

  • Captivate Your Audience: Creating Engaging Content

  • Module 3

    Plan and Build

    Plan your course structure, based on the principles of effective course design, and build the course to be ready to market, launch and profit

    Here's what you'll learn ...

  • Plan Your Course: Structuring for Success

  • Build Your Course: Constructing an Online Learning Journey

  • Module 4

    Market and Launch

    Market and launch your product to boost your retirement income and make a lasting impact in the lives of others

    Here's what you'll learn ...

  • Market Strategies: Positioning Your Course for Success

  • Launch with Impact: Executing a Successful Debut

  • Module 5

    Refine and Elevate

    Learn how to refine your product based on feedback and add new products to your offerings to increase your global audience and income

    Here's what you'll learn ...

  • Refine Your Course: Growing Your Business Through Iteration

  • Elevate Your Earnings: Diversifying Your Income Streams

  • Monthly Elective Modules

    Modules 6+

    New module each month

    Each month a new topic will be added to the membership area. The monthly addition of new training modules ensures that members have access to the latest information and developments in their field. This agility is particularly crucial where staying current with emerging trends and technologies is essential.

  • Members have the opportunity to suggest topics based on their current needs, interests, or industry trends. This ensures that the training content remains relevant to your specific requirements.

  • Keep up to date with the latest technology and trends

  • Your coach ...

    Dr Graeme Salter

    Founder: Profit in Retirement

    Hi, I'm Graeme - a 'recovering academic'

    I have a lifetime of experience using technology in teaching and helping others create engaging online courses. While I have a range of postgraduate qualifications in education including a Doctor of Teaching degree, I hesitate to use the term 'academic'. My reluctance is because I know plenty of other academics with doctorates who have great head knowledge, but struggle to communicate it. They tend to take the simple and make it complex. My approach is the opposite - I aim to take the complex and make it simple.

    What other people are saying ...

    Judeth Wilson

    Director, UpFront Communications
    "Graeme presents in such a straight forward, easy to understand and real-world way"

    My skills were put to the test at the start of COVID. As Vice-President (Academic) for a large higher education college in Sydney, I led the successful transformation from face-to-face classes to fully online delivery within a matter of weeks - literally. 

    My wife, Toni (aka The Veggie Lady), provides workshops teaching people how to grow organic vegetables in their own backyard or balcony. When the pandemic hit she thought it signaled the end of her training business. However, we applied the same principles and moved her classes fully online. Not only did this significantly increase her business, it greatly expanded her influence. She is now a regular talk-back guest on Sydney radio as an organic gardening guru and was recently featured in the national television program 'Gardening Australia' ...

    As seen on TV ...

    Gardening Australia

    and heard on radio ...

    I have now ‘semi-retired’ in order to help Toni, and others like her, grow their businesses. If you're looking for a young, hip social media influencer to guide you then … sorry, I'm not for you.

    But, perhaps you can relate to someone who's navigated the complexities of life without Google Maps, survived without emojis and witnessed the birth and evolution of the internet, from its screeching modem days to the age of lightning-fast Wi-Fi. Let me share with you a secret - baby boomers and Gen X have something that no amount of Instagram followers can replace: a lifetime of experience.

    This helped me beat out the youngsters at the World Brand Congress and receive the 'Exemplary Digital & Mobile Marketing Leadership Award'.

    So come and join me as we tap into this unfair advantage in order to create, market and profit from online courses tailored to your expertise and passions in order to boost your retirement income and benefit the lives of others.

    Imagine securing your financial future, leaving a lasting legacy for your family and embracing a retirement that is not only rewarding but also significant - achieved through making a positive and meaningful difference in the world.

    Engaging Education
    email: [email protected]
    Sydney, Australia

    © 2023 Dr Graeme Salter. All Rights Reserved


    You're Protected By Our 100% Satisfaction Warranty!

    Integer est nibh, finibus sed egestas eu, tempor in nisl.

    Pellentesque in tempus lacus, sed posuere quam. Sed accumsan vel dui ac aliquet. Aliquam at ex elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

    Vestibulum blandit bibendum augue at auctor. Suspendisse dapibus quis urna eu condimentum. 

    What people are saying ...

    Judeth Wilson

    Director, UpFront Communications
    "Graeme presents in such a straight forward, easy to understand and real-world way"

    Changed lives ...

    Toni Salter (Graeme's wife) is The Veggie Lady. She teaches people how to grow organic vegetables in their own backyard or balcony. When COVID-19 hit she thought it signalled the end of her training business. Face-to-face workshops were no longer possible. However, together Graeme & Toni moved her courses online and the business took off. Not only did this significantly increase her business, it greatly expanded her influence.

    She is now a regular talk-back guest on Sydney radio as an organic gardening guru and was recently featured in the national television program 'Gardening Australia'. 

    As seen on TV ...

    Gardening Australia

    and heard on radio!

    Here’s Everything You Get

    When You Sign Up For 'Profit in Retirement'

  • 5 Modules designed to get your course built from scratch in 12 weeks or less

  • 12 weekly 30 minute personal, one-on-one coaching sessions with Dr Graeme Salter

  • 12 weekly 1 hour small group coaching  
    maximum of 10 students per session

  • FREE community forum  
    get support from others on the same journey

  • FREE! Content Creation System
    full access to everything to develop - you only have to pay when your course is built and are ready to publish and profit

  • Normally: $997 Value

    Today: $497

    Now’s The Time To Lock in Your Special Discounted Price!

    Ready To Profit in Retirement In Just 12 weeks?

    Grab the discount TODAY!

    Express your interest today to lock in the special discount

    Module 1

    Crafting Your Online Course Blueprint

    Why launching an online course is still the
    number 1 way to make an impact and an income online.

    Here's what you'll learn on day 1

  • Understand why this is an amazing opportunity for you right NOW

  • Discover profitable course ideas from your life experience

  • Craft a compelling course concept

  • Learn to align passion with income

  • Plan a roadmap for course development success

  • Module 2

    Creating Compelling Course Content

    Here's what you'll learn on day 2:

  • Create compelling course content quickly and easily

  • Discover free tools for effortless course creation and sales

  • Make your content engaging to captivate your target audience

  • Learn why you don't have to be on camera (if you don't want to)

  • Tap into the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) 

  • Module 3

    Marketing Your Course for Maximum Reach

    Here's what you'll learn on day 3:

  • Attract a global audience eager to learn from you

  • Don't sell - serve

  • Foster communities for support and collaboration

  • Make a lasting impact on others

  • Future opportunities

  • Your Host During This

    3-Day 'Profit in Retirement' Challenge

    What Are You Waiting For?

    Ready To Learn How To Enhance Your Retirement Income
    In Just 3 Days?


    What you can expect

    From The 'Profit in Retirement' Challenge!

    Before the Challenge

  • Overwhelmed with feelings of uncertainty when it comes to launching a course

  • Unsure about what technology is needed and how much it will all cost

  • Ouestioning if your course idea is “good enough” to earn extra income

  • Having the drive to earn money online, but don’t know where to start ...

  • After the Challenge

  • Achieve a crystal clear direction for your course and your business

  • Feel confident you are making the right moves when it comes to launching your course

  • Have a step-by-step action plan - know where to start and next steps to follow

  • Gain the drive and motivation to launch your course and generate passive income